The Quality

Quality is the other key pillar of our successful business strategy. Our state-of-the-art technology, continuous staff training, dynamic organization and infrastructure, continuously ensure high-quality services to our customer network.

Our high level of professionalism and our long experience in the pharmaceutical industry continuously enrich our experiences and add value to long-term relationships with our 250 suppliers, 400 pharmacies and dozens of external partners.

The people of El Pharm are 28 university graduates and 26 graduates of secondary education. Graduates include 2 pharmacists and 1 chemist. Another big difference compared to other major drugstores in our industry.

The quality of our values ​​characterizes our company.

El Pharm operates in accordance with the standards of the National Organization for Medicines (EOF) and the European Union guidelines (Good Distribution Practices).

It uses a modern ERP computerized system, and every product that is moved to our warehouse (INPUT-OUTPUT) is controlled by a modern scanner system.



ISO 9001:2015